Sergio a.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Über Sergio a.

39 Jahre alt | Teacher/Circus Artist/Carer

We have created a profile video for you to meet us and have a closure look to what we are like as House & Pet Sitters:

Mid 30´s couple. International House sitters since 2017. Digital nomads.
Educators & carers, puppeteers & circus artists. Home and pet lovers.

Introduction / About Us
We have experience as house sitters in Spain, Australia and New Zealand. We are also members of House Sitting Academy, who graduated in August 2018.

We are available to house sit anywhere from January 2019 and are very flexible on location and duration (short or long term) - although we usually prefer long term house sitting. We have been totally booked until then as House Sitters!

Originally from Spain, Ana was a teacher, apart from a puppeteer. Sergio was a carer, apart from a circus artist.
We are a married couple, 33 and 35, and have our own small apartment in Madrid.

In September 2017, we started a project called "Puppetry and Circus: a trip around the world's schools".
We are visiting schools to develop our innovative method in teaching by using puppets and circus. So far, we have developed our investigation in Finland, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

If possible, we try to visit 1 or 2 schools in the area where we are house sitting at that moment to keep summing experiences to our investigation.
We usually have to work indoors in our investigation and also online in our digital business, as we offer online courses too, so we spend lots of time with the pets at home.
Nevertheless, if they are dogs, we are active and love walking them too as much as they need.

We usually need an internet connection, although we are happy to purchase extra SIM data card if we need to, as long as there is good signal in the area.

We both have driving license and we can drive manual and automatic vehicles, with more than 10 years experience.

We would happily put you in contact through email with our referees for further information.

If you want to know more about us, you can also check our website and social media, where you could deep into what we do and who we are:
We also have social media:
nd of course we have a presentation with similar information you have here in our website page House Sitters profile:

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Ana, 41 Jahre alt, Teacher/Puppeteer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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