Pilar d.

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Córdoba, Cordoba, Argentina


Über Pilar d.

36 Jahre alt | HR professional

I'm Pili from Argentina.
I am traveling around Europe, at the moment I am doing house sitting in San Remo, Italy . Taking care of a lovely dog .
I love animals... I have a dog and a cat in Argentina and my mother ,fortunately, is taking care of them during my trip. I miss them a lot..., so doing Pet sitting, is the best!!!!
I love to travel and I'm looking for a different way to travel, to meet people and new cultures. This is my main motivation to travel in this moment, learn and share with people of differents cultures.
I love doing yoga, I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga for some years, this is an essential part of my life :) Also I enjoy dancing ... flamenco, contemporary and any music that sounds
I'm very calm, orderly and very responsible person. Lover of animals and nature.
I hope to be able to help you and take great care of your home, and your beloved pets.
If you want absolute assurance your house and pets are looked after with ultimate respect and care, then I can promise you I will exceed your expectation.
Thanks for your trust.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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