Brooke w.

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Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

Über Brooke w.

46 Jahre alt | Fedex Delivery Driver

I moved to Portland last August from Iowa and am enjoying exploring all the different neighborhoods to see where I might want to live more permanently in the area. I am originally from Iowa but have traveled around quite a bit domestically and internationally. I love animals and cherish any time I can spend with them, whether it's with my boyfriend's dog, Wallace, or with friends' and neighbors' pups and kitties. I love being surrounded by nature and spending time outside, cooking a variety of delicious food is one of my most zen activities, am inspired by music, love to sing and dance and am passionate about holistic medicine and self-nurturing. I am a down-to-earth free spirit who appreciates unique and genuine individuals who are not afraid to be themselves. I am a dependable and reliable person who will not flake out on my word. I am neat and tidy and will respect your personal spaces and leave my presence undetected, if not, a bit cleaner. I look forward to my house-sitting adventures!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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