Elizabeth d.

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Portland, Oregon, United States

Über Elizabeth d.

57 Jahre alt | Architect/Financial Professional

Empty-nesters (parents of five grown children) and able to pause our careers for now, we are mature, meticulous, responsible homeowners who will treat your place with care. We prefer to experience the world through the eyes of locals rather than as tourists, and house sitting allows us to feel part of your community for a few weeks or months. We completed a successful one-month home exchange in 2007 with a lovely family from Iceland, and we are regular guests in the homes of others through Airbnb. Our profile and guest reviews are available on Airbnb. We own two homes in Portland, Oregon, USA, are avid gardeners, and are tidy and comfortable with all sorts of home maintenance. We are financially stable non-smokers. Liz is an architect/interior designer and has extensive residential design and construction experience. While not pet owners at present, Liz & Scott have been loving dog and cat owners in the past and will warmly adopt your pets for the duration of our stay. Liz walks 3-5 miles daily and looks forward to your dog's companionship as she explores the area. She also loves yoga (and is a licensed instructor) and cooking. Scott is passionate about kitesurfing, cycling, and sailing (he holds an RYA Coastal Skipper certification). We've grown a large organic vegetable garden in Portland for the past five years, and are comfortable with irrigation, weeding, thinning, transplanting, harvesting and generally caring for your garden.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Scott, 67 Jahre alt, Financial Professional (on sabbatical), Ehepartner / Partner

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