Cleuber balzana g.

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Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Cleuber balzana g.

56 Jahre alt | Dentistry

We are a Brazilian family in search of an amazing experience! I'm 48 years old and my wife is 47 and we've decided to take a year off, to please life while enjoying this amazing world. We're here up to taking care of what YOU love the most to make this dream come true, to be a part of this cultural exchange that for sure will be the best experience of our lives.

We're a couple of Dentists, parents of two amazing girls of 12 and 19 years old with whom we've had this happy and beautiful family! We're quiet, calm and easygoing, we've got NO addictions or bad bad habits and we're true lovers of nature and animals. We're always in touch with family's and friend's pets, we truly love to be around them, as shown in the pictures. We had, as members of our family, two brother cats, that sadly left us last year, but those two guys made our family really happy wihile they were here. We'll be completely committed, with total responsibility, to giving all the love and care to your pet and to all of your belongings, every single day of our stay. Besides being good pet lovers, we're also able to identify any problem with your pet, very easily and calmly. My wife's sister is a Veterinarian, witch also used to be a big help when we had problems with our kettens.
Our daughters are extremely polite and calm, and definitely they'll be great company to your pet!
Me and my wifi may have some difficult with languages, but my nineteen year old daughter speaks (communicates) English very well, she dedicated a huge part of her life on studying it. But me and my wife will do our best to assimilate too.

We truly miss your kittens, and unfortunately due to some reasons of life, we cannot have a pet anymore. We would love to have the opportunity of taking care of your little friend, we would feel really honored and useful. Talking about the house itself, we've always had our own and we've always kept it really well maintained, as we'll keep yours!
We believe that this experience will be of great value to our lives. We never thought that living an experience like this one would be possible, but now that we have the opportunity, we're heading in this adventure with all we've got! This will be the most different and mind-blowing days we'll experience, since we'll be in touch with new and amazing cultures and lifestyles. We believe that this is the best University we can provide to our daughters, that will definitely enj

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Juli 2018

Famille très sympathique . Nous avons retrouvé la maison propre et les animaux heureux. Dommage que la barrière de la langue ne nous ai pas permi de communiquer. Gens à recommandé

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