Michael k.

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Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom


Über Michael k.

72 Jahre alt | Technical IT Director (retired)

Hi there, my name is Mike. I am a fit 70 year old, currently residing in Scotland. However the last ten years, up to the start of the pandemic, were spent touring Europe in my motorhome. My nomadic adventures were interspersed with various housesits, arranged through this site, across the length and breadth of Europe, but mainly in Spain, France and Italy. These housesits involved looking after a large cross section of animals from Tortoises, cats, dogs, pigs, donkeys and ponies.
The pandemic put a bit of a spanner in the works, so I returned to Scotland where fortunately I was there to nurse my mum through the pandemic, until her death in 2021.
Now having sorted all the legalities of her estate, I am ready to start travelling again.
I am a pretty relaxed and laid back person. I consider myself very practical in thought and in action. I am very fit, I walk and cycle every day, practice pilates and yoga.
I adore all animals and am especially fond of dogs and cats.
I speak passable French and slightly better spanish.
I have carried out a number of housesits in Switzerland, central France, northern and southern Spain. A number of these being repeated bookings dating back to 2014
Please have a look at my Facebook page if you want to get a better idea of who I am.
I have a number of testimonials that I would be happy to provide on request.
At the moment and as things stand, I will be in Catalonia and unavailable from the 10th October until the 10th of November 2022.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



LA, United States - April 2019

Mike kept in touch and always answered my messages before he came for the housesit and was even kind enough to give me a phone call. He did his best to take care of our cats and kept them happy and healthy while we were away. He also sent me regular updates which I appreciated very much. He is a good person and I would recommend him without hesitation for your house.

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