Léa m.

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Lille, Hauts-de-France, France

Über Léa m.

24 Jahre alt | student

Hello ! I am Léa Meignen, a 22 years old sociology and history student at Lille University :) As soon as I was 18 years old, I started working in hotels and started travelling full-time solo, for a few months each time. I discovered southern and eastern Europe, as well as Canada and the United-States. After 3 years of being on the road, of being here and there, I decided to settle and get back to college, in Lille.

But I was born and raised in a farm, in a small french village near the Atlantic coast, between Nantes and Saint-Nazaire, in Loire-Atlantique. And quite frankly, I cannot wait to take a break of the urban lifestyle ! I miss waking up with the bird chimes, walking barefoot in the grass while I'm drinking my tea, being outside all day and taking care of the garden, the flowers and the animals. I miss my 3 hours long hike, with a book in my backpack, where I'd stop whenever I want to read for hours in the sun. I miss being alone in a quiet space. This is why I am applying to house-sit your house (maybe !) : I want to get back to my roots. To what matters to me. To the quiet. To the smell of freshly cut grass. Every inch of my body feels like the city is becoming too much and that I'd use a rural break :)

For some more down-to-earth details : I can take care of a garden, since I grew my own while I was back at my parents' house. I grew up with dogs, never lived without one so I can take care of that too :)

I will be house-sitting alone because I will be working on a project that matters a lot to me. I unfortunately lost my dad last christmas, and I decided to take a trip down memory lane, by taking a camera and a recorder, and visit all the places my dad visited. To go and interview people he loved and that loved him back. So this summer, I will be busy editing videos and laying on the grass for hours (if you may).

Bonjour :)

Moi c'est Léa, j'ai 22 ans et je suis étudiante en Sociologie et en Histoire à l'université de Lille. J'adore la ville, les opportunités qu'elle peut nous apporter. Les rencontres. Les imprévus et les surprises. Mais après presque un an dans un centre-ville qui ne s'arrête jamais, où quatre arbres se battent en duel, je sens qu'au fond de moi, j'ai besoin de vert cet été. J'ai passé mes vingt premières années dans ma maison d'enfance, nichée entre des collines, des ruisseaux et des ruminements de vaches. Je ne sais pas si vous avez vécu ça, vous aussi. Etre tellement bien dans un espace, dans un

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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