Scout f.

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Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Über Scout f.

29 Jahre alt | Supervisor

Kia Ora !
My name is Scout Fletcher. To sum myself up, I am an adventurous, competent and motivated young lady residing in Christchurch, New Zealand.
I am studying towards two difference degrees,Biochemistry & Human Nutrition, and work part time as a supervisor of a commercial company.

I also own a house sitting buisness ,and I had to leave my Doggy at home, so supplement that loss with cuddles of others!

For those of you that know NZ, you will be aware it is a spec on the edge of the world map... which certainly gives its a special something, but keeps us far removed from the hub of cultural experiences.

I am an avid animal lover and health & fitness junkie. I love to keep fit and healthy in the great outdoors, on two feet, two wheels or two skis… Keep movement & motion, but have emphasis on maintaining balance/Peace: Love to be immersed in nature with the quiet & calm.

Interested in all things science. Smallest cells- to the greater Universe, hidden consciousness to the physical world. Also history, philosophy, archaeology… and coffee. Not to mention: cooking, experience and experiment with different cuisines & tastes.

I would like to take this opportunity in my life to focus on personal growth, beyond the rigidity of just academic studies.... Achieving this by putting myself out there to experience the physical world and all the beauty it has to offer. Immerse myself in the cultures and cuisines of the world… To achieve my greatest higher self.

I'd love to explore any and all the world has to offer!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Matthew , 32 Jahre alt, Master Builder, Bruder / Schwester

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