Teri H.

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Quinte West, Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Teri H.

62 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

Hi, we’re a retired couple that both served 35yrs in the Canadian Military. We’ve had dogs and cats our whole lives but sadly lost our last 2 dogs, Marco & Polo, within the last 5 yrs. Marco was a 95lb Retriever / Lab cross with a huge heart ❤️ who at the very young age of 10 had a heart attack and passed in his sleep. We miss him terribly. Polo lived another 3 yrs, and was a sweet Golden Retriever who had a very hard time after Marco passed.

We’ve been travelling pretty steady since she passed 5 yrs ago. We’ve driven around North America 3 times, taking 6 months each time. We completed an amazing adventure called “The Great Loop,” where we cruised our boat through the Great Lakes, the US Rivers to the Gulf of Mexico, and home via the east coast (Atlantic Ocean).

Now we’re getting ready to take on the British isles in 2025. We love cats and dogs, and miss having them in our lives, but with the amount of travelling we’ve been doing we thought we should not get any animals right now; however, we would love the opportunity to get to know your furry friends while taking care of your home and doing day trips around your area.

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