Helen a.

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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Über Helen a.

44 Jahre alt | photographer


Hi there! We are Alvaro & Helen, two traveling souls who currently are touring the American continent on a super motorcycle called Alfreda ;)

But how did this story start? We have to rewind back to 2015 in order to find out:

Alvaro was having a easy and confortable life. Maybe even too much. One day after a lot of hesitating and surrendering to his fears he finally took the lead and started a big trip in South America, with the intention to finish it in Alaska. His idea was to take a year, but very soon he would learn to plan less and less and just let himself go. He created a travel blog called @Alfventuras (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) with which he pretends to entertain and amuse while sharing his experiences.

On the other hand, I dreamed about traveling with my camera since I was a kid. All my life, my priority has been to meet new people and places. A cancer confiscated my passport for some time. But one good day I decided that my best therapy would be happiness, and that's what I'm treating myself with right now. Fortunately I'm 100% recovered from that harsh period.
I also created a travel blog - www.trotamundis.com - about a mini Lego figure whose passions are photography and the world... Sounds kind of familiar?

During these years we have been meeting along the way (Argentina, Mexico, California) and from summer 2017 on, we decided to live our dreams together.


Our way of traveling is very simple: we like to meet new places being guided by their people, that's why some things we really love to do are camping or couch surfing. It has been a way to share incredible moments with even more incredible people.


If there is something we both are passionate about, it's animals, but even more dogs. As it's very hard to take one of our own on this motorcycle trip, we have discovered this way to be able to be with them for some time, giving them the love and cares they need when their owners are not at home.
After sharing so many months together almost all the time, we know that we are a good team in order to take care of a house. We believe it's crucial for you, to be able to trust us and relax about the fact that your house is in good hands. That's also a reason for us to be very pleased to answer any of your questions.

As we unfortunately don't have any feedback yet on this page (there's always a start right?), you might like to check

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Meine Reisebegleiter
alvaro, 38 Jahre alt, videographer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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