Francisca l.

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Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Francisca l.

41 Jahre alt | Customer service

We are a hard-working professional husband and wife couple from the Okanagan in British Columbia, Canada. We are avid travellers and have been wanting to find ways we can travel and actually integrate with the culture and people in the places we travel; rather than hotel and do the typical “tourist” thing.
My wife Francisca, is from Chile, she is fluent in Spanish, English, and has a strong understanding of Portuguese. She has a background in hospitality and tourism, and has a deep love of travel. I am a Canadian, learning Spanish and have a newly formed love of travel as well. My background is an Electrician as well as an Oil and Gas Project Manager.
We have two cats: Scooby and Dooby, but they do not travel with us. They have a lot of family to take care of them when we travel. We have had in our lives many pets: hampsters, cats, dogs, and I had a couple horses growing up. But it wasn’t my task to take care of them we had them in a stable. Francisca, back in Chile had a aviary so she is familiar with exotic birds. She is a member of an app in Canada called Rover, which is a pet-sitting service. Moreover, Francisca had studied as a veterinarian for 2 years prior to her escape to Canada where she found her new home and me.
Francisca is now an Horticulture student and she grows great part of our food in the summer. She cares about plants and understands their needs. Moreover we both have a very environmentally friendly view of life; we recycle, compost, water reduce and power consumption control.
We are a responsible couple who don’t party excessively if at all anymore. You know how it gets. We both grew up in the wilderness; myself on a small sawmill in alberta and Fran, on a family owned resort in Chile so the outdoors and all the work that comes along with it does not intimidate us.
Separately and together, we have house and pet sitting experience with references available if needed.
Thank you for your consideration,
Robert and Francisca,

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Robert, 45 Jahre alt, Electrician , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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