Carl t.

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Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

Über Carl t.

40 Jahre alt | Consulting

We are a family of four currently living in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway where my wife Marta is working as a doctor (GP) in a small remote commune of 2500 people next to one of the fjords. My name is Carl and I have a background as a management consultant working for the Swedish Trade Council in Norway, Hungary and Romania. We have two children, boy and girl, named Adrian and Lea whom are 6 and 3 years old.

We are a family of mixed heritage. Marta is originally born in Poland but moved to Sweden at a young age. I was born in Sweden but spent most of my younger years in Guinea-Bissau where my mother (Swedish) worked as an aid worker and while my father (Guinean) ran a mechanical shop installing refrigeration systems.

As a family we love traveling and experiencing new cultures and countries. As an example we spent 7 months of 2016/2017 traveling through Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania and staying in and experiencing 10 countries along the way. As a family we speak several languages: Swedish, Norwegian, English, Polish and some French, Spanish and Portuguese. Our children are very much used to traveling. Marta is a licensed doctor, general practitioner, and would be happy to put her expertise to use if that would be of any benefit.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marta, 40 Jahre alt, Doctor (GP), Ehepartner / Partner
Adrian, 12 Jahre alt, Ninja, Kind
Lea, 9 Jahre alt, Princess, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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