Kathleen P.

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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Über Kathleen P.

69 Jahre alt | Retired health/education assistant | Als Paar/Duo

We are a couple from Canada, retired 9 years and travelling the world during Canadian winters. We have an extensive amount of house and pet sitting experience. We are avid animal lovers and enjoy opportunities to meet new people and see new places. You will find us to be clean, quiet, non smoking and always responsible to our word. Our interests and passions include art, photography and hiking & cycling in nature. We are both young at heart, as demonstrated in our active lifestyle which includes hiking, cycling and exploring wherever in the world we find ourselves. Before retirement, Aaron worked as a psychologist with youth, as well as a university professor, and Kath worked as a Health & Education Assistant in schools. We both have excellent communication skills (Kath has basic French and both have basic Spanish skills).

We tend to go above and beyond in any venture we take on, and your pets and home could not find themselves in better hands. Being nomadic at this time, and loving animals (we’ve had both pets and homes in past), we truly appreciate the opportunity to lavish our affection and care onto your pets and home. (We have done approximately 45-50 sits, including one in France through Nomodor, and have 5 star reviews at kathperreault.net under the menu heading Ncounters Home & Pet Sitting - we welcome your visit!)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Aaron, 71 Jahre alt, Retired/Psychologist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Veronique c.

Finhan, France - Oktober 2019

Kath and Aaron are so nice and Kindly personnes very authentic. They looked after our dog and the house and the garden as we do. So we felt very quiet during our trip to Gaspésie. Good communication between us all along their stay. In case of a problem they always talk with us by internet and so it was resolved quickly. We spent a day before we leave and a day when we came back with them. Then we have become friend. Thank you to Nomador for this nice exchange. We recommend you.

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