Andrea r.

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Surco District, Lima Region, Peru

Über Andrea r.

33 Jahre alt | Médico

I am a doctor, I am currently studying to apply for my specialty exam. I like to travel and to live new experiences, to know new places and their people, to know their customs and to exchange cultures. I am a calm person, responsible, I like to comply with what they tell me, and not leave for later what I can do at that moment, I always look for a solution for problems or intercurrences that arise. I have two puppies, who are part of my family, of Shih Tzu breed, Bella of 10 years and Furby of 11 years, they are very special for us and although they are older they continue with the same joy and strength. I am the oldest of three sisters, I tend to take care of my uncles 'and mine's houses when they go on a trip, and I usually stay with some friends' pets when they travel. One of the languages ??I speak most fluently besides Spanish, which is my native language, is Portuguese, I have advanced certification in the language.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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