Christine p.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Christine p.

70 Jahre alt | Manager

Hello, I'm a single lady in my fifties who will coming to London for an extended stay July 2020 to Jan . 2021. I will be accommodated by family however, feel its better not wear out my welcome with any one person. So I will be happy to look after and care for your home and pets. I am a home owner in Australia and the go to person for family and friends for pet sitting. All breeds from Jack Russell's to Great Danes. I also love cats and am certain I will love your hamsters and ferrets too. I don't feel I can safely manage an isolated property situation however, all village, town and city properties I will consider. And yes, some distance for London will be OK. I have family accommodation for July and August so will be happy to know of any sitting opportunities after that time for any length of time.
I look forward to hearing form you with any questions or concerns and if you are considering coming to beautiful Perth Western Australia (where our winter is just like London's summer) we could home swap.
Regard Christine

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