Rachael m.

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Bình Định, Viet Nam

Über Rachael m.

52 Jahre alt | Online English Teacher

My friend and I are single women in our 40's. We both have a positive 'can do' attitude to life. And a desire to see and experience our dream of staying in The UK and certain areas of Europe.

I am Australian and Dionne is South African.

We come from professional backgrounds, (I was in financial services and Dionne is an accountant) We currently work as English teachers in Vietnam and also teach online. We are planning to leave Vietnam in early August and would like to extend our stay for as long as possible. We will continue to work part time as online English teachers, (our main requirement is good internet with a minimum upload/download speed of 10mps)

We have both owned our own homes and we absolutely love animals and miss our pets dearly. So we would love to look after yours like they were ours! We love gardening. I spent five years renovating my house in Australia, so I consider myself a competent handy woman :)

I have a passion for history, architecture and culture. I enjoy the simple pleasures of good company and good food. Dionne has a passion for ceramics, history and culture. And loves gardening as well as reading a good book.

We look forward to speaking to you soon :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dionne, 48 Jahre alt, Online English Teacher, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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