Abby d.

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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

Über Abby d.

35 Jahre alt | Sign Production

Patricia and I have been friends since high school, and travel partners since 2015! We both love seeing new places, meeting new people, and (most importantly!) eating new food. We're hoping house-sitting will allow us to slow down a little in our travel, and let us get to know places on a deeper level than the general tourist track. We want to learn about other communities, and are excited to get the chance to do so.

As for qualifications, while neither of us has done house sitting professionally, we have both done some for friends and family over the years. Both of us have grown up on acreages/farms, so we are comfortable with a wide variety of animals, and also understand plant, yard, and house care!

We've both lived alone and with others, so we understand how to take care of both our own spaces, and other's spaces too. We're clean, quiet, and responsible, and willing to take care of your home as if it was our own.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Patricia, 36 Jahre alt, Theatre Design, Freund

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