Brandi r.

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Suisun City, California, United States

Über Brandi r.

44 Jahre alt | Research Assistant Professor, Book Author, and Yoga Teacher

"Brandi was THE BEST dog and house sitter we have ever had! In the past, with other sitters, we know (from our neighbors) that sitters aren't really at house that much...they come and go just to feed the dogs and to sleep there. But Brandi actually LIVED in our house. She hung out with the dogs, took them for their daily run, cooked her dinner there...honestly I'm not sure if the dogs knew we were gone!! I can't say enough good about her...Brandi rocks!!" - Molly and Rene of State College, PA

Hello! My name is Brandi and I love dogs and kitties. Over the past 2 years, I have completed pet/house sits where I took care of dogs, cats, and birds. My favorite pet sit so far has been where I took care of 2 huge labs, 1 three-legged cat, and 1 orange little kitty! I just feel in love with these little babies.

My current job as a Research Assistant Professor for Penn State University (I work remotely) and book author allows me to work from anywhere, which means that I can complete pet/house-sits anywhere in the country. I work primarily from home, which will make it easy to take your dogs for multiple walks a day, feed them according to your preferred feeding schedule, and my regular presence will give your pets a sense of security while you are away.

When I commit to a housesit, I sincerely commit to all of the instructions you set, the full timeline of the housesit, and it is my personal policy to leave the house cleaner than you left it.

I am also an award-winning book author (wrote: "Raw Foods on a Budget") and certified yoga teacher (500 RYT).

Why do I want to house sit?

I love having pets in my life and I love to travel. House-sitting allows me to do both...all on a budget (I am working hard to pay off student loans). Help me give Sallie Mae the boot!
My experience

"Brandi housesat for us twice, and she took good care of our dog and two cats. She's trustworthy, competent, dependable, cheerful, and communicates clearly. She's a delight all around. I recommend her without hesitation. Sincerely, Sarah K."

I have 2 years of house sitting experience for families with multiple dogs and cats (and even a Carnary bird), I have experience taking care of gardens and indoor plants, and I always leave a home cleaner than when I arrived.

I have practical experience in taking care of homes. I have 1 year of experience managing my own Airbnb townhouse, in which I cleaned and prepared the rooms for rental, as well as communicated and coordinated w

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