Wenceslao andres f.

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Pucón, Araucania, Chile

Über Wenceslao andres f.

32 Jahre alt | Chef

Welcome to Ximena & Andres Profile and thanks you in advance for reading it.

We are a kindly couple from Chile, clean, tidy, honest and reliable. Currently, we are looking for a house in Thailand for April and May.

We started our Australian experience for 3 months. Also, because Ximena have been reading a lot about house sitting and we are so excited to discover and live the experience. Experience at the moment: one week taking take of Bruce (a bird), plants and Chickens in Melbourne. 5 days taking care of Dexter (a cat), and four fish in Melbourne. In Cairns 10 days taking care of two dogs. One puppy, very energetic one. Two weeks taking care of 12 hens, one dog and many plants in Speewah.

Andres is 25 years old. He was born in The Andes Mountains. He always was helping his parents in the farm. He lived a life surrounded by fresh air, seasonal fruits, lakes, mountains and birds. He took care for her cats & dogs since He was a child. He really loves pets and He has a lot of experience with different kind of animals. Also likes gardening, reading, walking and spend time at home watching documentaries. His favourites are about animals. Andres is Chef. He was working in a small town in New Zealand for four years and growing vegetables and flowers in his yard.

Ximena is 24 years old. She grew up in the countryside around sheep, cows, ducks, chickens, horses, geese, dogs and many others... Her best friends were her little lamb called ''Metete''and her geese ''Tata''. Both are a very important part of her life. She studied Hotel and Restaurant Management and after She went to discovery New Zealand for one and half years where she met with Andres again. And They decided to start a journey together.

Both knows about cleaning and keep a house. Surely, we can take care of yours pets and plants. We are reliable, tidy and non-smoking.

***References: We lived with two huskies for six months in Ohakune New Zealand, Willow and Denali, both are awesome! Also, we have good reference on Couchsurfing and airbnb (contact us for the link to view these online). Also already did two housesitting in Melbourne. And two more in Cairns.

If we sound like a good match for your home, please feel free to contact us.


Ximena & Andres

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ximena, 30 Jahre alt, Hospitality, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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