Zen v.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Über Zen v.

36 Jahre alt | Jeweler, painter, fashion designer

Hello my name is Zen (:

I was raised in Bali and Australia and studied art and fashion in London. My boyfriend and I are both artists in the process of starting our careers. 

I paint, sell my own handmade jewelry and am in the process of starting a fashion label of hand printed and handmade clothes. I travel and take great interest in textiles and crafts from around the world, working with indigenous peoples, learning and supporting their traditions. I have held shows of my paintings in Berlin, Amsterdam and Bali and had commisions in various countries. Some previous employment: Berlin Alternative Fashion Week, Voo fashion, my own pop up resturant buissness - Switch Global Project (on FB /switchglobalproject/ )

My boyfriend is a jazz pianist and drummer who is currently studying intensively. Raised in London and based in Amsterdam for the past 10 years, he has also a wide range of work experience varying from countless resturant and music jobs, but also including housestitting and aupair.

We are both very practical and are happy (and have lots of experience) looking after animals, gardening, or doing any other odd jobs, be it mosaic a wall or change a light bulb (:

Looking for a stable place to work and perfect out crafts, we are excited that there might be a house that we could put our spare time into in exchange for a beautiful location where we can stay for a few weeks or months

Please do not hesitate to ask for recommendations and any further details!

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