Kelly r.

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Brentwood, California, United States

Über Kelly r.

34 Jahre alt | eCommerce Business Owner


We are Kelly and Ryan and we were both born and raised in California. We met at UC San Diego, graduated in 2013 and decided we wanted to live an alternative lifestyle so we booked the first flight to South East Asia. We lived, taught English, and traveled throughout the region for one year, then headed back to the states for about 5 months. In October, 2015 we packed our bags yet again and headed to South Korea. We taught English and traveled around Korea and Japan for one year, and also had the opportunity to foster a lovely cat, Soju. Here we began working on our online business and decided we wanted to live remotely, leading us to our move to Vietnam. We built our business in Hanoi for 6 months and then hit the road again. We spent 3 months hiking the Himalayas, eating our way through India, sunbathing in Sri Lanka, and snorkeling with manta rays in the Maldives. It was incredible! We then moved to Thailand, started housesitting on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan and caring for a sweet little cat named Minou. Throughout our travels we were welcomed into many peoples homes and took care of animals along the way. We are so excited to officially begin housesitting through Trusted Housesitters and we look forward to meeting you and your furry (feathery or scaly) friend!
Please check out our Airbnb profile for some references:

Also our profile for more references:

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Ryan , 34 Jahre alt, ECommerce business owner, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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