Gwendolyn f.

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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Gwendolyn f.

57 Jahre alt | Somatic Educator

I am a responsible, mature, non smoking, experienced, house sitter with great references availble for short or long term house sits. I can manage plant and pet care (past experiences have included everything from cats, dogs, rabbits, fish, gerbils, and chickens to mini goats) and all other regular home responsibilities as long as snow removal isn't too onerous. If there is a pet I don’t have experience with I am adaptable and happy to learn. I am looking for a safe, quiet place to recharge and get some studying done. I’m a bit of a homebody so will be more in than out of your home and am very quiet. Your home may be a short stopping point or longer term depending on how it works for both of us. While visiting new cities I am very interested in taking in art, history, and culture as well as expanding my worldview. I speak some French and am interested in brushing up on that as well as learning other languages. A former chef, I’m also interested in culinary adventures and experiences. Please contact me with any questions you may have and I can put you in touch with my references directly. I’m new to Nomador but not to house and pet sitting so don’t have endorsements on this site yet. Thanks so much.

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