Alison r.

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Grand Baie, Rivière du Rempart District, Mauritius

Über Alison r.

53 Jahre alt | Medical Transcriber


We are Alison and Sean, a South African / British couple currently in sunny Mauritius. Having only fairly recently started out on this amazing journey, we have already completed two wonderful house sits and are looking forward to making friends with more very special animals and humans.

Sean is an artist and Alison works online as a medical transcriber and web developer so we are fortunate to be able to live and work in different locations.


We love animals and we love experiencing and exploring different places and cultures. While we are deciding on exactly where we want to put down roots, house sitting is a great way for us to discover what local areas are really like and decide where is right for us.

Travel and house sitting are two very different parts of our lifestyle. When we are travelling we do not house sit. When we house sit we use this time to catch up with our work, visiting local sights and generally enjoying our time with your pets, making sure their favourite walks and play times are continued without change.

We are looking forward to experiencing life in different countries by actually living like a local as opposed to visiting as a tourist.


We are dedicated to your pet's health and wellbeing, and as we both work from home you can have peace of mind knowing that someone is about during the day taking good care of your pets and home.

First and foremost we are animal lovers and were proud pet parents to our best friend Hamilton for 15 years. Sadly old age and illness caught up with him and we had to say goodbye to him a few years ago, but we look forward to offering the same love, care and fun we shared with him to your pets both old and young. We are experienced in administering medications and will give your beloved pets all the care, attention and fuss that you would wish for.

We will take careful note of everything you tell us about your pets and home and make sure that everything is carried out as you wish.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sean, 59 Jahre alt, Artist, Ehepartner / Partner

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