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Colchester, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Caryl

66 Jahre alt | House & pet sitter | Als Paar/Duo

We consider ourselves to be semi-retired and have lots of travelling and house/pet experience throughout the world. We love the experience of travelling and living as a local through house sitting. Our last house sit abroad was in the Caribbean looking after a 3-legged dog and two rescue cats .Prior to that we have sat in Kenya, India, Malaysia and Europe on many house/pet sits. Caryl is very capable of tending a garden and enjoys doing this. We are mature, clean and tidy and just want to continue enjoying life now we have more time to do so. We love to attend rock concerts, watch football and spend time in nature. Our passion is travel and meeting new people. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Mark d.

Dublin, Ireland - August 2019

Karyll and her partner Tim were wonderful house sitters, especially given this was our first time. They were highly professional, responsible, friendly and very easy to communicate with. They took great care of our home and looked after our dog with real sensitivity to her needs. Although we didn't get the chance to actually meet Tim in person, it was lovely getting to know Karyll who is a very interesting and vibrant person. From our WhatsApp chats before and during the trip we could tell that they are both very positive and open to new experiences. They were very gracious and helpful in dealing with the fact that I had made a mistake with our dates which meant changing flight times and altering Karyll's itinerary. Basically it was no problem and we were able to sort it out with a minimum of hassle, for which we were very grateful. While we were away we felt totally relaxed and confident that both our home and our beloved pet were in highly capable and caring hands. Karyll has a lot of experience with house-sitting and she had a lovely way of gently assuring us that she knew exactly what to do and that everything was in order. Basically we were able to let go and enjoy our holiday in the knowledge that people who knew and cared about what they were doing were in charge back home. There was just the right amount of communication and reassurance that all was well throughout our trip. When we came home, the house was clean and tidy with some lovely extra touches which made us feel very welcome. All-in-all we were delighted with the experience and would highly recommend Karyll and Tim as house sitters. An added bonus is that they are really lovely people whom it was a pleasure to meet and we would have loved the opportunity to get to know them some more.

Moorley d.

North Myrtle Beach, United States - Januar 2019

Karyll and her partner Tim house sat for us and took care of our 13 year old Labrador Retriever for 2 months. They were very responsive in our initial communication, and managed to get their visas and travel arrangements made with very short notice. Throughout the 2 months that we were away, they did a fabulous job of looking after our pet and home. They are mature, balanced, caring and sociable people and got along great with our neighbours. When our dog unfortunately became sick in the last week, they took the initiative to consult the vet and kept us informed of his progress. Overall, we feel fortunate to have had Karyll and Tim house/pet sit for us. We would highly recommend them to other home/pet owners.

Marianne B.

Sintra, Portugal - August 2018

Karyll and Tim were absolutely amazing! I had been very nervous about going away because my oldest dog Lucky was on medicine and poorly, but Karyll and Tim were very responsible and sent me plenty of daily updates with lovely photos of all three furbabies looking very happy and relaxed. They even went to the Vet when some of the tablets ran out, to get more. When I arrived home, the house was absolutely spotless and everything in it's place (might not sound like an important point, but it can be quite frustrating to return home and being unable to locate basic stuff). On top of this, all my neighbours, and the owners of the local shop, and the local café all told me how lovely my dogsitters were, and how lucky I'd been to have them...and most importantly of all: my dogs and cat were all perfectly fine and happy , in high spirits! I couldn't possibly recommend Karyll and Tim more... They truly were like sent by angels! :)

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