Sarah w.

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Geislingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Über Sarah w.

40 Jahre alt | freelancer


My name is Sarah, I am 34 years old and live in Germany. I am a food- & travel-blogger, but I also take on some freelance work during longterm travels, which allows me to be location independent and housesit for long periods of time with the benefit of really getting to know the area.

I grew up in a small hamlet, next to three farms, which helped me gain as much experience as possible in terms of farming and animal care. Those, who I couchsurfed with would describe me as neat and reliable and I would treat your home with the utmost respect.

I am open to new things and love getting to know people on a deeper level. My experience showed me, that travelling alone can be incredible, but meeting interesting and varying people from different countries enriches my journeys in a way, that I will not miss it for anything in the world. Especially local people are a true benefit to any journey, since there is no better person to show you around.

I speak fluent English and have an intermediate level in French, plus a beginners level in Spanish and Indonesian. and am open to learning other languages. I am a nonsmoking, optimistic do-it-yourself kind of person.

I look forward to hearing from you!

All my best, Sarah

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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