Irina g.

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Minsk, Minsk Region, Belarus

Über Irina g.

39 Jahre alt | Lawyer at the Bank

We are married couple (32 and 33 years old) who works at the banks as lawyer and economist. We try to spend all our spare time travelling all over the world till we haven't kids yet. We have our adorable black cat he is 3 years old we took him from a shelter so we are lucky despite he is being black) and miss him a lot when on vacation and always want to have dogs. We are sure its a great opportunity to help to take care of cats or dogs and to do not make them feel alone and for us they could give a home feeling wherever you travel. We are intelligent, very clean, like cooking together, explore amazing nature places, fond of sports, take part in marathons and trails all the European countries. We will be very glad to help with all we can with pets and with housesitting.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Vadzim, 40 Jahre alt, Economist at the Bank, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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