Louise and joe c.

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Waldwick, New Jersey, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Louise and joe c.

59 Jahre alt | Writers

Hello there - we’re Louise and Joe!

We’re a long-married, non-smoking couple in our early 50s who recently sold our house of 20 years to travel. Originally from New Jersey, USA, we’re enthusiastic about discovering new places slowly, more as short-term residents than tourists. And because we are both passionate animal lovers, we’re excited about the prospect of caring for your pets.

Our other passions include cooking, reading, long walks, photography and visiting local food markets and restaurants.

Why we want to house sit
We’ve both grown up with pets (dogs, cats, goldfish, hamsters, and small birds) but right now we don’t have the ability to create a “forever home” for a furry friend, so we’re excited to get to know your animals. We really miss the love, fun and companionship that pets have brought into our lives.

We are both in the middle of writing projects, so having a place where we can spend long afternoons working is wonderful. After several hours at the computer, we are always very happy to have a four-legged companion to toss a toy to or take for a walk.

We are also enthusiastic (but tidy) home cooks, so we would be very happy if we could use your kitchen. One of the things we have missed most on our round-the-world journey is cooking for ourselves -- which is another reason why we love house-sits.

Our experience
Since 2016 we've done 11 sits and enjoyed them all very much. It's been really satisfying to care for and share the love of so many wonderful dogs and cats -- and we've enjoyed making new people friends too! We're eager to do whatever is necessary to keep your pets happy and give you peace of mind while you are away from home.

In our life in the United States, we also spent many, many weeks babysitting for pugs, Puggie (age 13) and Claire (age 4), as well as my brother's human children (ages 10 and 8).

Until very recently, we owned a four-bedroom home in the NJ suburbs with a lovely garden. We were there for 20 years, renovated it and did most of the maintenance ourselves. We're non-smokers who are very respectful of other people's property because we understand how much work creating a comfortable and beautiful home demands.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joe, 61 Jahre alt, Writer, Ehepartner / Partner

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