Teresa l.

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Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Über Teresa l.

64 Jahre alt | industrial mechanic | Allein

My name is Teresa.
I retired in 2014 .
always been a nomad. I love to travel.
I have welcomed many people into my home as an airbnb host.

Sailing in the Caribbean island , Turkey ,Greece and Italy
Mega ship cruises , and small private sail boats is on my list of past adventures.
My recent trip was 5 months in the east, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam,Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia backpacking.

I have owned cats and dogs in the past but with travelling all the time i find myself enjoying the company of other peoples instead.
As a homeowner gardening and fix things a bit of plumbing, general home renovations and decorating keeps me busy.
I understand how important it is to have someone in it to take care as i do. If you choose me for you house/animal sit i assure you i will take care of them as i would my own.

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