Elisa b.

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Rome, Lazio, Italy

Über Elisa b.

37 Jahre alt | Marketing Consultant

Hello! It's Elisa and Oussama, we are newlyweds freelancers that love to travel and live like locals. Elisa is from Italy and Oussama is from Morocco and we just spent one year in sunny Marrakech and traveled across Morocco! We had our North Africa experience, we're ready to explore Europe now!
Elisa is a traveler and what you'd call digital nomad: she works remotely as online business consultant, which requires just a decent Internet connection.
Oussama is a musician which just needs quiet to practice, write, and record his music!
We both love animals and are used to take care of cats and dog (for a total of 9 furry lovelies, between our families). We're also passionate about plants and grow our own vegetable garden when we are in Elisa's family country house in the central Italy.
We both love nature, sun, eating healthy and watching good movies.
We also have experience with AirBnb guests and can manage bookings on the main booking platforms, while performing all duties of hosts: check-in, basic info, breakfast, keys, basic assistance, and check-out.
We can't wait to meet you and your pets and care for them as they were ours!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Oussama, 32 Jahre alt, Musician, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Arabisch | Englisch | Französisch

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