Diana p.

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Noosa Heads, Queensland, Australia

Über Diana p.

61 Jahre alt | Licensed Real Estate Agent

About Me
Mature, self-sufficient, professional. I made Noosa my home in 1990 after falling in love with the area. I have built and owned homes in the hinterland, dabbled with investment properties and made a career out of selling and finding the right home for my lovely clients. Along the way I have taken in strays, adopted and rehoused dogs & cats welcoming them into my homes. I have built a reputation based on trust and care throughout my career and personal life. Having already built a reputation as a trustworthy house sitter I am confident my approach and enthusiasm will be appreciated by other pet owners looking for peace of mind when they are away.
Why I want to house sit
I stepped in two years ago to help out a friend of a friend in need of a pet sitter in an emergency. News travels fast in a small town so once the word was out, I have been in regular demand with friends of friends keen to travel but concerned about leaving their pets in kennels.

My post-divorce accommodation is not pet-friendly so I have really enjoyed the company and exercise that comes with pet sitting. As a result, I will be relinquishing the lease on my rental and putting my home contents in storage for a while and concentrating on full-time house/pet sitting - good for my waistline, my bank balance and my soul!

My experience
I am a fully licensed real estate agent with an established career and reputation in the Noosa area. After 25 years of home & pet ownership in the Hinterland and downtown Noosa, I am now pet and husband free!

I have been approached by many friends over the past couple of years to care for their precious family pets and have enjoyed the experience of living in new locations with enthusiastic walking companions. I have a wealth of happy pet & homeowners who would be thrilled to provide endorsements for my services.

I am a fit and resourceful non-smoker with flexible working hours which allow me to spend quality time with my canine and feline charges.

I love to entertain, cooking for my family and friends is a passion, I am a keen reader, an avid cloud watcher, I relish long walks through native bush and rugged coastlines, I love to travel and am often in the company of my longtime friend and partner Chris when he has the time to join me. We are planning to join friends in Portugal in early October to celebrate a wedding and we are keen to spend some time in Ireland for about a week to 10 days starting from around the 15th October.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Chris, 61 Jahre alt, Company Director, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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