Matt g.

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Über Matt g.

36 Jahre alt | Furniture Maker

Hi, I’m Matt.

I’m 30 years old and studying Business & International Trade.

My schooling is through a distance learning program, so I’m free to leave my home in Vancouver, Canada to pursue my studies abroad.

For me, housesitting is the perfect way to experience a new culture while making my savings stretch so that I can concentrate on school.

I have experience volunteering in community gardens and farms in the past and have taken care of animals ranging from goats and chickens to house-cats and dogs.

Since I spend most of my time in the books instead of sightseeing, I’ll be there to keep your house clean, your plants watered, and your pets loved, fed and exercised.

Actually, I’m looking forward to having a furry friend to go on walks and read finance textbooks with.

When you return, don’t be surprised to find that your dog now wears tweed sport coats and has intelligent things to say on the merits of Austrian versus Keynesian economic theories.

… Okay, that was a bad joke.

Seriously though, I understand that it’s a real leap of faith to entrust your home to a stranger. The potential stress of choosing the wrong person is the last thing you need when you’re trying to enjoy your time away.

Below you’ll find many positive references from other people who have invited me into their homes. These reviews are from Airbnb & Couchsurfing since I am new to this site, but I hope they demonstrate that I am a clean and respectful guest and a good choice as your next house-sitter!



- Airbnb References -

Matt was a great guest to have staying in my house. He was polite and friendly. The house was left clean and tidy.
Juliet B. - Tangier, Morocco
Apr, 2018

Very nice people, they took good care of our home. Super communication. Great!!!
Luz & Alex B. - Paris, France
Mar, 2018

Matt was an excellent guest, friendly and clean. Altamente recomendable.
Luis N. - Puerto Escondito, Mexico
Mar, 2016

- Farm-Stay Reference -

I had the pleasure to host Matt on my farm for one month. He was a very good worker. Willing, dedicated and serious. He has a gift for cooking and was very friendly and careful with my two kids Gabi and Eline who were 6 and 3 years old at the time. The kids liked him a lot and they still remember the day we pressed apples together to make cider. I recommend him for babysitting or childcare and wish the best to him.
Clément T. - Normandy, France
Oct, 2016

- Couchsurfi

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