Kaitlyn b.

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Über Kaitlyn b.

29 Jahre alt | Sanitation Engineer

Young couple looking to not only travel the world, but to find dog's, cat's, and whatever other animals you may have, to love along the way.
We not only want to explore the area you get to experience every day, but we want to bring your pets along with us while we do it (except for the indoor pets, we'll leave those ones at home)! Let us love your pets not only by feeding them and grooming them, but by showing them adventure throughout the day and cuddles throughout the night. If your pet shudders at the sound of thunder, or hide under the table when it gets too windy, fear not, we will always be there to calm it down.

We're a young couple that not only enjoys traveling and adventures, but we are both physically fit due to the high demands of our jobs, so have no fear if your house takes a bit of muscle to keep it intact. We do not mind doing hard, dirty work to keep your place running nice. Not only is it your home, but for whatever time we decide to stay, it'll be our home too!

And if your home or pets need something that we are not familiar with, just explain it and it'll be done! We are quick learners that are VERY committed to doing it RIGHT!

As a couple, we are non-smoking, non-drinking, non-partiers, and love life. I don't want to say that we are homebodies, but we like to stay in a routine of getting up early, do chores (normally we work 6am-6pm), and then settle in for the day by later afternoon. We enjoy each other's company, so we don't need to go out in the evenings to go to events or socialize.

We love animals and would love having them be part of lives. We also like to run, walk, and go on hikes to stay active and welcome dogs to go with us.

We are very clean people and you will be very pleased coming home to a nice clean house.

We have house sat once before for a period of three weeks. We tookd care of a two storey home, along with two mixed poodles, one of which needed multiple vets visits and 3 different types medication given 3 times a day. Aside from the difficulty of giving the mouth fed medication to a dog scared of any person, we also spent a lot of time cleaning up after his pee, as he wasn’t fully house trained. Needless to say, we’re ready to take on whatever difficult dog scenario you may have, we are very patient, and will do whatever it takes to care for your dog or whatever animal may reside in your home like our own.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Siawash, 34 Jahre alt, Sanitation Engineer , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Hindi

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