Yvonne and jim p.

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Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Über Yvonne and jim p.

60 Jahre alt | Personal Trainer/Freelance Writer

We are an active-fit-animal loving-reliable-responsible-experienced pet/house/gym/small business sitting-professional couple, looking to travel to various places around the globe and assist pet & business owners by caring for their pet(s), homes, gym facility, small business or rental property. My name is Yvonne, and my better half is Jim.

Jim has completed an extremely rewarding 32 year career with the Toronto Fire Department, 14 of which he was in the role of “Captain”. He was also a Real Estate Agent and owned a very successful landscaping business on the side. He's quite the handyman around the house and has completed several home renovations, including plumbing and electrical work.

I (Yvonne) was in a Senior Management role in communications, in the financial services industry in Toronto, for over 25 years. I am currently a Freelance Writer, Yoga Instructor, and Certified Fitness Coach for Adults, Seniors and Children.

We have owned dogs, cats, fish and hamsters, and currently have flexibility in our schedule to do some pet/house/business sitting. We walk/hike/run everyday, so if you have any pets that need daily exercise, we're the perfect match!

We have performed over 15 pet/house sits in North America and Europe.

As pet owners for many years, gym and small business operators, and homeowners for over 30 years, we are experienced at caring for pets, small businesses, gyms, homes, property, pool and hot tub maintenance. Jim has even saved pets from fires during his career!

We can handle all your varied pet care needs, from walking the dog, to changing the kitty litter, to cleaning the bird cage.

We have experience at caring for pets during illness, and we pride ourselves in being able to give them the extra care they need when not feeling well, or recovering from surgery. We are also experienced with caring for Rescue dogs.

We will mind your plants with care, watering them and keeping them healthy according to your instructions. We also water exterior gardens and flower beds, and care for lawns as requested.

We are experienced landlords used to dealing with short and long term tenants, should you require assistance in this area as part of your property management needs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
James, 67 Jahre alt, Firefighter/Personal Trainer, Ehepartner / Partner

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