Taene b.

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Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil

Über Taene b.

41 Jahre alt | Dentist

My name is Taene, I'm 35 years old, I'm a dentist, I live in Goiânia-Goiás-Brazil, I have an apartment, so I can take care of a house with all the responsibilities it requires, I'm very organized and clean, I also own an dentist office, I am married, I have three children Thaisa (16), Vitor Eduardo (9) and Theo (2), and I have two other shitzu daughters called Mel and Chanel (4), so I understand the needs of the owners. I had another dog, two cats and two calopsitas, I love animals. I do not smoke and I do not drink alcoholic drink and I have a license to drive. I love hiking, play and hugs if your pet needs extra love and attention.
My profession does not let me travel as much as I want but when I can I love visiting new places, meeting people and experiencing local customs, as well as giving someone the peace of mind to know that their home and their pets are well loved and cared for while they take a break or travel to business.
I am very competent, affectionate, honest, easy to handle and with great sense of humor. When I am willing to do something, I will certainly do my best. I am accustomed to making decisions and dealing with problems that may arise, focusing on solving them.
I am new to this type of accommodation but I have identified a lot with the proposal to take care of the animals and the house as I love taking care of my house and my dogs, I understand what is necessary when I am taking care of them, I know when there is a health problem and able to make decisions that guarantee their well-being, not to mention that I have several experiences of taking care of the house and the animals of relatives and friends, who always entrust to me this task.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have specific questions. I am always available.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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