Luisa r.

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Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Über Luisa r.

38 Jahre alt | Marketing Manager

Hello lovely Nomador Community,

We are Jana Steinenach und Luisa Roth from Germany. We love animals and are very positive thinking and easy-going people. We are very clean and responsible women, who like to explore new things and places in life. We both had longlife experience with animals and love to share love and spend time with them.

Our experience

Our knowledge and experience is achieved from more than 20 house sits which are gained via the homepage and hopefully next time with this homepage, and by invitation in return by satisfied home owners. We have successfully completed house sits in Spain, Italy, Netherlands and France, Africa, USA. We are willing to maintain the routine that your pet is used to and give your pets the love and attention that you would expect of us.

We know the importance of engaging a person that is honest, reliable, and organised to care for your family pets and home. We are non-smoker and we have no criminal record. We have Police checks and personal references and house sit references available to forward to you.

We are respectful of both people and their belongings, and aware of the importance of privacy and discretion, particularly how this pertains to looking after a person's home. We are keen to have you consider us and we are looking forward to getting the opportunity to provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that your pets are in the best of care and your home is secure.

Lots of love,

Jana and Luisa <3

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jana, 39 Jahre alt, Social Scientist, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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