Susanne & Merlin

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SN, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Susanne & Merlin

58 Jahre alt | Self employed | Als Paar/Duo

My name is Susanne, 58 years young, an active and world travelled German woman with my partner Merlin from UK.

We have a big passion for animals and working from different parts in the world. Adapting to the daily routine of the animals while taking care of everything is our pleasure. As we work self employed we have a daily routine in working from the Laptop, taking care for your animals, garden and house/pool and enjoy the new or already known environments.

As a horse rider and ex owner of a horse, dogs, a cat + rabbits I am familiar living with animals. Giving them good care and much love is a daily routine. Merlin had cats all his life and we both have a deep connection to them. We both are able to communicate with animals through our abilities that we use as well for our work with humans.

Since 2015 we had many wonderful House Sits in Australia, Thailand, Austria, England, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Spain and as well in Germany. Some of the home owners asked us to come again even 3-4 times ;-). There is a website with many recommendations that we collected over the years.

We believe House Sitting ia a reciprocal arrangement. We feel that House/Pet owners shoud be honest and povide the House Sitters with accurate information about their animals and House.

A super clean and well organised environment is where we see ourselfs as we both are aware of the importance of cleaniness for the health of all beings. As House Sittsers we in return look after your home and animals as if it/they were our own. We give a lot of time and love to your animals.
We are both vegetarian/vegan and good gardeners and live a healthy lifestyle, not smoking and drinking.

If you think we could be a good match to you and your animals, we are looking forward to read from you!
Many regards, Susanne & Merlin

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Merlin, 54 Jahre alt, Self employed, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


pierre L.

Kerlouan, France - Oktober 2021

Susanne est juste exceptionnelle ! Femme aux atouts multiples, autonome, avec un grand esprit d'initiative, toujours soucieuse d'amélioration, elle est très proche des animaux, les comprend et donne souvent des nouvelles d'eux. Elle a une grande rigueur, un sens aigu de la propreté et de l'ordre, nous avons retrouvé la maison et le jardin en parfait état, et les animaux en pleine forme. Très attentionnée, elle nous a préparé des plats afin que nous n'ayons pas à faire la cuisine à notre arrivée. Beaucoup de communication et d'échanges très riches avec Susanne, c'est une personne qui fait désormais partie de nos vies. Merci infiniment, Susanne.

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