Susan g.

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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Über Susan g.

69 Jahre alt | visual artist

We are a responsible, active, happily married couple who own their own home and have travelled extensively internationally. We are taking our first sabbatical (for 10 months) and would love to look after your home like we do ours.
I am a visual artist ( painter and sculptor ) and my husband is the pastor of a small congregation. We plan to return to our respective studio and church and back to our home when our sabbatical journey ends in June 2019.
Ideally we’d like to settle in for 3 to 6 months but would be happy with a few weeks at a time if the schedule allows this.
We are very comfortable with most pets having had many of our own over the years. Ideally we’d like to be close to or in a town or city.
Al and I understand (from our own experience ) just how difficult it is to find capable people who will care for your home and pet, keep all in order and communicate with you as much as you request. We will have no difficulty in assuming these responsibilities. In fact it will be a pleasure!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Al, 74 Jahre alt, church pastor, Ehepartner / Partner

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