Candie m.

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Nelson, British Columbia, Canada

Über Candie m.

47 Jahre alt | Homemaker

We are a family of 5 (it would only let me enter 2 children in our profile) who love life and to travel as a family. We are extremely house proud (yes even the children!) and have had a lot of experience with so many animals (we currently have 2 rescue dogs, 2 cats and 2 rats that we are leaving in Canada with our house sitter). We have had many gardens and many different types of animals, horses to pigs, reptiles to rodents. We ran a dog rehabilitation program and have much experience with so-called ‘problem’ dogs (and even cats).
Ideally, we would find a house/pet sit in or around Paris July 5th-9th or 10th and then in Northern Spain mid July ish for a week or two. We need to be back in the UK for August 2nd. We will have our own vehicle.
Thank you for reading about us, we look forward to talking further if you feel that we would be a great match to what you are needing.
Candie, Alex, Rainen, Sage and Sola

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alex, 49 Jahre alt, UX Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner
Rainen, 22 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Sage, 17 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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