Nik & angel r.

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Champlin, Minnesota, United States

Über Nik & angel r.

38 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur


We are a husband and wife team from Minnesota who decided to pursue our dreams of being location independent while discovering and exploring new places around the world.

We've been house and pet sitting part-time since 2010 but switched to full-time in January 2014. We see house sitting as a mutual partnership involving integrity and excellent communication.

The majority of our house sits have been longer term in Bozeman, MT for 6 months, Tampa, FL for 2 months, Durango, CO for 4 months and Kona, HI for 3 months. However, we are interested in shorter sits as well. We absolutely love caring for other peoples homes and pets. We treat them as if they were our own and make sure your pets feel loved and cared for in your absence.

Both Nik and Angel grew up with animals. Dogs, cats, chickens, bunnies, horses, cows and even a "pet" salamander for Angel.

We have experience in giving medications to pets and understand the importance of paying attention to certain behavior should they need further medical attention as they get older.

We are non-smokers and have no children or pets of our own. We prefer to give all our attention to your pets instead. We are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. You might recognize that as the "Boy Scout Law" ... Nik was an Eagle Scout. Angel ... well ... she sold a lot of Thin Mints.

References and Letters of Recommendation are available if you'd like to see what previous home and pet owners have said about us.

We'd be more than happy to chat with you about your house and pet sitting needs and answer any questions that you might have for us.

We look forward to connecting with you,
Nik and Angel

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nik, 44 Jahre alt, Freelance Designer & Developer, Ehepartner / Partner

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