Hana o.

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Kittsee, Burgenland, Austria

Über Hana o.

36 Jahre alt | lawyer

Hana and Jozef, couple of fresh newlyweds that adore travelling the world together and discovering what this amazing planet has to offer. We have been together for over 5 years and got married last year. We love each other deeply and share a lot of interests - travelling, beachvolleyball, photography and naturally animals. We live in a flat in a village just across the border from Slovakia in a small Austrian village. Although we would love to have our own animal we realize our active travel addicted life style would not match with a life of taking care of a new family member. However we love to take care of animals and that is why we have several adoptive dogs :) who we look after and take care of when their owners are busy on weekend or away on holiday. Golden retriever - Bella and Jack Russel - Rainy. Both of them are our step dogs whom we took care of on several occasions already. Having Bella around always reminds me of 16 years with my dog Charlie that I had when I was a kid at my parents house. Getting Charlie was my huge dream. During my childhood I learned how to ride horses as well. I spend every free time at a farm close to the village where we lived taking care of horses and learning how to ride. At one point I also taught my husband how to ride. That is why we enjoyed amazing rides on the beach in Morocco. We think house sitting can be one of a kind experience to get to know some place on a whole new level and to enjoy the place just the way the local owners do. We will also combine it with our hobby of taking care of animals. There are just too many positives - not to do it. :) Hope to meet you soon!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jozef, 39 Jahre alt, event manager , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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