Frances mary k.

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Banbury, England, United Kingdom

Über Frances mary k.

62 Jahre alt | Veterinary nurse

Hi - I have spent most of my career working as a veterinary nurse. This has been mainly with small animals - cats and dogs - but has also included some equine work and some farm work. Daily life as a veterinary nurse in a veterinary practice includes cleaning kennels, mucking out, feeding, giving medication, changing dressings, grooming, monitoring IV drips, monitoring anaesthetics, walking inpatients and giving lots of love and cuddles! I have also combined this life with travel, volunteering abroad and a stint as a tour leader in various countries. At present I am combining working in a school and veterinary nursing part time,
I have a real passion for travel and love heading to remote, beautiful places surrounded by nature. I often opt to travel by bicycle through the country I am travelling in to fully absorb the sights, smells and listen to the birdlife. I enjoy trail running and most things outdoors. I am a fairly practical person who can turn their hand to most things and would look after someone else's possessions even more carefully than my own.
I believe your pets and house would be in very safe hands.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Spanisch | Französisch

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