Sandra t.

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Öhningen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Über Sandra t.

38 Jahre alt | Positive Psychology Coach & Consultant

We are Thomas, Sandra and baby son Theo, 8 months, Tom is a Technology Consultant and I am a Yoga Instructor, we are both also Professional Positive Psychology Coaches and Consultants. Tom has spent the last 15 years in the IT Industry and now works freelance. We're very well travelled and animal lovers through and through, between us we have had dogs, cats, hens, rabbits and horses throughout our lives so are very used to looking after and caring for a variety of animals. We're very conscientious house and pet sitters, both exceptionally tidy, non-smokers and always respectful of your home. We're open to house sits throughout the world as we both work remotely with flexible schedules. We are English, German and Portuguese speakers and we'd love to meet you soon... :-)

In addition to our professional lives, we both undertake various research projects related to Positive Psychology. House sitting for us is therefore a fantastic opportunity to switch settings whilst providing a tranquil environment for us to carry out our professional work and to focus on our research, and also offers you and your pets two conscientious home oriented carers to be attentive to your home and your furry family's needs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Thomas, 48 Jahre alt, IT Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner
Theo, 7 Jahre alt, Baby, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Portugiesisch

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