Regina R.

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Pireas, Greece

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Regina R.

57 Jahre alt | Intercultural Business Consultant & Trainer | Allein

Regina lives in an independent house with a small backyard in a very quiet street with 1-2 cars accessing their garage. That's how cats love to stay around as it is quite and mostly traffic free (the street is not registered in Google maps). Regina's furniture style is minimalistic, functional and cat adjusted with lots of cat beds. She upcycles used wooden furniture or creates new furniture from used ones tossed into the garbage. She feeds three indoor cats (two moved in on their own and stayed) as well as stray cats in the street. Three minutes walking to the beach, various supermarkets, butcher, bakery, farmer's market (Tuesday) and pharmacy in walking distance ( 3-5 min walk) as well as public transport (electric bus #20 taking you to the metro station). Parking in the neighborhood streets.

Regina is a(n)
• cat lover
• dog day sitter
• loves upcycling
• self-employed
• global nomad

She loves traveling and taking care of places & cats.

As she is new to this platform there are no recoemmendations so far to share. Social media

Languages: English, German, Swiss German, Greek

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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