Olga k.

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Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Über Olga k.

36 Jahre alt | teacher

I am a 30 years old teacher in my practical year. I am an open-minded, tolerant and responsible person, who likes to meet people and get to know them. I also like animals of all kind, enjoy to spend my time in the quiet of nature (hiking, swimming), but also in cities, where I can get new impressions and impulses from human culture. I studied philosophy and german literature, so I love theoretical discussions. But at the bottom of my heart I am a practical person, who needs something to do and loves and needs physical work. Bevor I start my practical year in school, I worked in an Wood-Trader-Company and enjoyed that much, because of the people and the work with the natural resources. I also worked as a wine-picker in France two years ago, wich I enjoyed too.
For me a responsible handling of the environment, the animals around us and also beeing respectful with the other human beings are important.
I have my own appartment nearby Hamburg, wich I keep tidy and clean (I can send photos, if needed).
To be prudent with the belongings of others is for me self-evident.

All in all, I can say, that I am an uncomplicated person with a lot of energy, who is direkt and honest, but also flexible and understanding. I am a kind of person, with whom you can talk about nearly everything and who is interested in a solution, where everybody is happy. Also I am not the anxious type and like to get to know new things and make new experiences.
I was born in Russia and moved to Germany with my parents, when I was 8 years old. So I am experienced with changing a culture and like to learn new languages, because for me another language is another view of the world.
I look for a house-sit for a few weeks, because I want to prepare myself for my exam next year. I'd like to learn and plan classes (so the only things I need ist quiet and good wifi), but also want something physical to do for my balance.
I have my own car and am a good driver. To get up early is no problem for me and I can deal with solitude an enjoy it.
I am experienced with horses and had a cat in our family, when I was younger. But I am a fast learner and a good thinker, so you can explain me nearly everything. Cleaning is no problem and I like to be with animals and provide for them. I also would work in the garden, if somebody explains to me, what to to.
I hope, you got an impression of me. If you have questions, just ask.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch | Russisch

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