Susana s.

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Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia

Über Susana s.

35 Jahre alt | Political Scientist/ Colombian Embassy to the UN

Hello! My name is Susana. I am currently living in West Cork, Ireland with my partner Barry and will be starting post graduate studies in mid-September in Spain so I am therefore interested in discovering a new place during the summer where I can hopefully be accompanied by some furry friends. My partner will not be coming with me but he would perhaps want to visit :)

I am an absolute pet and animal lover and a proud mom of a 4 year old Boston Terrier named Martin Antonio! Traveling is one of my strongest passions and I have had the opportunity to live in various countries across the globe including the US, Germany, The Netherlands, and Egypt as well as to travel and discover to many other magical places. I hold two bachelors in Political Science and Languages and Social Cultural Studies. I most recently lived in New York where I worked for 5 years in the Embassy of Colombia to the UN.

I am fluent in Spanish and English and my German has also hopefully not gotten too rusty! I can also understand a little French, Portuguese and Italian.

I love animals of all kinds and I am specially mesmerised by dogs. I was brought up with many pups as a child and I therefore think of them as part of the family. Playing with them, grooming them, giving them baths and lots of cuddles is something that comes easy for me since dogs just have a magical way to fill homes with love and good energy. I have always thought that if every person could surround themselves with the tenderness and unconditional love that pets give, the world would be a better place!

About me: I consider myself to be an easy-going person who always works to be trustworthy and responsible for any of my duties. I am very liberal at heart and I therefore always try to surround myself with humble people who don't discriminate on any grounds, and who above anything else value kindness and have a thirst for knowledge, cultures and the world! I dislike aggressive or hostile environments, and even though I have a strong character I prefer to avoid people or situations that might be toxic or passive-aggressive.

What you might require of me: I am very flexible and open to assisting in any way I can, as long as I am treated with respect and consideration. I view this as a mutually enriching experience for both owners and sitters to help each other and to hopefully making longterm friendships!

Oh and I love music too! and I have been told by some grumpy people that I smile too much :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Barry, 34 Jahre alt, Navigating Officer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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