Kelly g.

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Granada, Granada Department, Nicaragua


Über Kelly g.

50 Jahre alt | Blogger

You can travel with peace of mind. I've got it covered for you: affectionate, mindful care of your loved ones and your home. Doing this right matters.

Overview and Nice to Meet You!

Hi, my name is Kelly. My 12 year old son Aiden and I are originally from California and have lived abroad in Granada, Nicaragua for the past 5 years. I love to look for fresh opportunities for us to travel and explore the world together. We are currently home and pet caring for three months in Petaluma and Vallejo, California and are continuing to seek opportunities to continue staying in the North and East Bay Area.

Nicaragua has undergone political changes recently that have required us to leave and housesitting has been an amazing way for us to reestablish ourselves in California while we watch the political unrest safely from afar. I am grateful for the three housesit opportunities that we have already been given in Petaluma and Vallejo that have us lined up until the last week of October. We are thrilled to give our best to make each opportunity a success!

We love to soak up the local culture while we are traveling doing all the museum visits, trips to the theater, nature hikes and sending my son to some really fun day camps during the summer. (He has been at Sonoma State University Excel camp all through July and loved it!)

I am a blogger and can do my work anywhere there is Internet. I write at and do some freelance work, as well. I love to exercise and spend time with my family hiking or kayaking.

My son Aiden is very mature and calm, has traveled the world, and would also be very respectful of your home and your animals. He is a great reader, loves trading card games and is enthusiastic about learning through traveling.

Contacting us to arrange for a house sit would solve your problem of needing someone who is mindful of your home and your pets while you are away and our goals to visit a location in a slow travel style.. A win / win!

I can do that for you, too!

I have extensive experience with plant watering and pet care for dogs, cats, and chickens. I also have a German Shepard here in Nicaragua, so I understand the importance of finding the right person to take care of your pet while you are away.

For your pet:
I will gladly scratch, walk, clean, brush, coo and cuddle. I will keep a careful eye on any conditions or signs of illness or injury. I will feed and administer medications and daily meals to the letter

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Aiden, 18 Jahre alt, child, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Paul p.

Petaluma, United States - August 2018

Kelly and Aiden were great. They kept us informed of needs for the house, were very responsive in sending us something we forgot and are delightful people. I feel like we have made some friends and hope we see them often when they come our way again.

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