Jennifer W.

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Jennifer W.

44 Jahre alt | Wealth Manager | Als Paar/Duo

Hello, we are a professional couple in our early fourties’ who are taking some time in order to immerse ourselves in new cultures while at the same time being here to ensure that you are able to enjoy your time away knowing that your beloved pets and home are being taken care of. As a housesitting couple we are accountable, responsible, and caring and will treat your house as if it were our very own and will love your pets as if you were still there.

My husband and I have both spent our entires lives around cats and dogs. We have loved them as our own pets and looked after others on more occasions than can be counted. We understand that pets are more than just animals, they are part of the family and we love them and take care of them all the same. We have our own little guy Rocky. He is a British Short Hair and he is our baby since we do not have children. (He does not go on housesits with us).

Both of us have previous house sitting experience in New Zealand, USA, France, UK, and The Philippines.
We have house sitted once thru Nomador and we had a truly memorable experience with Bruno and his family. Please see our recommendations page for his review. We are also subscribed through Trusted Housesitters, Kiwi Housesitters, and through personal reference in the Philippines if you do need a reference check.

Both my husband and I have had extensive hotel experience and as such are excellent housekeepers and along with my partners farming background we are very handy in the garden and are prepared to do what ever is required in order to keep your wonderful garden looking the way it was when you left. We are also co- owners of a boutique hotel in The Philippines so we fully understand what it is like to manage a property in its entirety and we definitely know what it takes to ensure your peace of mind while you are away.

We are currently on extended travel through Europe and are somewhat flexible with both dates and locations for possible house sits. We are on Nomador because we want to continue to travel but at a slower pace and more importantly, we want to return to some normalcy which to us means taking care of a house and surrounding ourselves with animals that we can love as if they were our own.

We are very excited and looking forward to taking care of your home, loving animals, and beautiful gardens and hope to create new friendships in the process.


Jennifer and Sean

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sean Philip, 41 Jahre alt, Officer for Royal New Zealand Airforce, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Bruno t.

La Neuville-Chant-d'Oisel, France - Juli 2018

Home-sitter et pet-sitter parfaits, Jennifer et Sean ont gardé notre maison et notre chat pendant notre absence, durant 15 jours. Nous n'avons que des félicitations à leur adresser. Ils se sont occupés à merveille de l'ensemble, et nous avons eu le grand plaisir de retrouver une maison parfaitement propre et un chat visiblement en parfaite santé ayant eu son lot de câlins et de caresses ! Nous espérons garder le contact avec Jen et Sean qui sont, de plus, des êtres adorables, cultivés et intéressants. Pour notre première expérience de ce type, ce fut une franche réussite... La barre est haute pour nos prochains home-sitters !

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