Alina D.

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Forfar, Scotland, United Kingdom


Über Alina D.

36 Jahre alt | Counsellor

I am a 30-year old lover of nature, animals, and inner and outer exploration. I've travelled extensively in North America, Europe, and Asia and have lived in a variety of cultures and environments - from the bustling city of Beijing to an isolated cabin in the Yukon's wilderness! I am happy and resourceful on my own as well as in community - I love meeting and helping people, learning about new places, and growing as a human being. After studying neuroscience, I lived as a Buddhist nun in a remote monastery in Nova Scotia, Canada, and I am now transitioning back into studies to become a psychotherapist so that I may share all my knowledge for the benefit of others' growth and happiness :)

I've enjoyed house-sitting on my travels because I delight in getting to know a place deeply, being around animals, and having a slower pace of life. Looking forward to meeting you and being a friend to your furry-feathered-scaled-hoofed loved ones!

I speak several languages: Romanian, French, English, and Spanish fluently; Hindi moderately; Tibetan beginner.

J'ai grandi à Montréal et j'adore explorer les coins du monde ou la langue française me berce aux souvenirs de mon enfance.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Susan j.

Duxbury, United States - Mai 2019

Alina was the best house-sitter you could ask for! She was so kind and caring toward my 3 dogs, 5 sheep and cow! She was very conscientious and resourceful, and sent us updates regularly on how everybody was doing. A problems with the watering system for our farm animals occurred while we were away, but Alina didn't miss a beat– she was figured out a solution in our absence (in the deep snow!!), and managed to get them what they needed. Alina was also a joy to meet and get to know. I highly recommend her, and would surely leave my home and precious pets in her care again.

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