Kate herrington

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Kate herrington

40 Jahre alt | LCSW | Allein

I am 38 years old, and work as a mental health therapist. I have worked remotely since the pandemic and enjoy to travel and visit friends with this new found work freedom. I am an absolute animal lover-- if I could go back I would study ecology and work to restore endangered animal habitats. I lost my beloved cat in 2020 and since have fostered 6 cats. I also have a beloved dog Patty that my sister and I share custody of. I am a very responsible, quiet and introverted person with a natural ability to connect with animals. I am a nurturer by nature.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nohl M.

United States - Juni 2023

Another stellar review for Kate. We are so lucky to have her come care for our kitty and our home. We go to her every time we have an opening. If you have cats with special needs, she knows how to care for them. Our kitty is pretty good and yet we have learned some new things that help us with our kitty cat. Kate, goes above and beyond in care taking for her. We love that she is working from our home so she is around the home and cat often. Thank you Kate. We are so lucky.

Nohl M.

United States - Februar 2023

Wow, i want to choose many badges for Kate. Where to begin?! Kate truly is a cat whisperer. She was so good with our kitty cat - going the extra mile and spending a lot of quality time with her. She came up with a better way to ensure she is getting enough water, spent the time to feed her 3 to 4x a day small amounts, and also kept the home so clean. She was great with the garden and we loved receiving photos of kitty and her enjoying the spaces. She was attentive to details and even cleaned the litter box daily. The garden seemed in excellent shape. We had a notice of a water issue and she again went the extra mile, looking around and doing some videos or facetime for us. She communicated well with our property visitors (pool/gardener). I am keen to have Kate return. You will be so fortunate to have her. She was around a lot which is important to us ie our affection loving kitty; yet she also explored the parks and restaurants. Thanks Nomador, you have connected us with some very special people. We feel like we keep winning the jackpot. The spoil us with their good care and some goodies post the stay.

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