Sally o.

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States


Über Sally o.

62 Jahre alt | Teacher

I am a newly retired school teacher and mother of 2 from the states and finally getting a chance to explore this beautiful world a little more. Now that my children are older, I would love the opportunity to explore other communities and cities around the world and make friends in all places.
I love to meet people and have always been an animal lover. My personal interests and passions involve health, wellness, and healing and consciousness. I am a yoga instructor and certified energy healer. I believe there is so much to learn from other people and other cultures and am dedicated to meeting others with respect and understanding. We are all much more alike than different. I consider myself an open, helpful, conscientious, and trustworthy.

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Kristine S.

Norton, United States - September 2018

Sally was a wonderful person and house sitter and my dog absolutely loved her. She watered the plans (quite a job in the first week), took care of the pool and walked the dog every day. My house was in great shape when I returned. We miss Sally and hope to see her again, maybe in the spring.

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